I have always been attracted to the grind of the restaurant industry. The constant
movement and immediate cash outcome keeps me working in this fast paced environment. I
found comfort in the repetition from the type of work I do because I grew up in and around
my family’s restaurant. Most importantly, I love and hate the people I serve daily. My
“Regulars” or anyone who constantly comes into a food establishment are the backbone to
restaurants and to the people who serve them. My work focuses on the dichotomy of power
dynamics between workers and customers within the food service industry. The customers hold
power because they ultimately have the money that dictates the worker’s income; however, the
workers hold the power of the quality of service and tolerance. Many workers, like myself,
tolerate a lot of bad behavior from a customer, but I want to recognize that there is a limit even
with “Southern hospitality” holding its grip on service standards.
I make utilitarian objects and purposefully break them to become non-functional. By
cracking these vessels, I expose an unfiltered feeling about different customers. A vessel that
provides an experience for people who visit any establishment I have ever worked, but on the
inside, I have my thoughts and opinions of these people. The readymade objects and text
within my work is from the variety of restaurants that I have worked or it comes from different
coworkers who work in the same environment as me.
I need to state that as much as I focus on my regulars who mistreat and
belittle me, I do have regulars that I love and enjoy their company. I tend to focus on the
negative more because unfortunately, I deal with more customers who mistreat workers instead
of treating them as human beings. Even with my nice customers, there is still a power dynamic
that keeps me in check. I am still just a vessel providing a service to their dining or drinking
experience and our relationship is as disposable as the plate I serve them.